Mastering CSS Selectors
CSS provides a variety of selectors to target elements with precision. Here’s a comprehensive overview:
1. Universal Selector
: Selects all elements.
2. Type Selector
- Selects all elements of a specific type (e.g.,
3. Class Selector
- Selects elements with a specific class.
4. ID Selector
- Selects an element with a specific ID (must be unique).
5. Attribute Selector
- Selects elements based on the presence, value, or part of a value of an attribute.
Selector | Description |
[attr] | Selects elements with the attr attribute. |
[attr="value"] | Selects elements where attr is exactly value . |
[attr~="value"] | Selects elements where attr contains value as a word. |
`[attr | ="value"]` |
[attr^="value"] | Selects elements where attr begins with value . |
[attr$="value"] | Selects elements where attr ends with value . |
[attr*="value"] | Selects elements where attr contains value . |
6. Pseudo-Classes
- Dynamic pseudo-classes: Target elements in specific states.
Selector | Description |
:hover | Selects elements when hovered over. |
:focus | Selects elements when focused. |
:active | Selects elements when active (clicked). |
:visited | Selects links that have been visited. |
- Structural pseudo-classes: Target elements based on their structure in the DOM.
Selector | Description |
:first-child | Selects the first child of a parent. |
:last-child | Selects the last child of a parent. |
:nth-child(n) | Selects the nth child of a parent. |
:nth-last-child(n) | Selects the nth child from the end. |
:nth-of-type(n) | Selects the nth child of a specific type. |
:not(selector) | Selects all elements that do not match the selector. |
7. Pseudo-Elements
- Single-pseudo-elements: Create and style parts of an element.
Selector | Description |
::before | Inserts content before an element’s content. |
::after | Inserts content after an element’s content. |
::first-line | Styles the first line of text. |
::first-letter | Styles the first letter of text. |
::selection | Styles the highlighted part of text when selected. |
8. Descendant Selector
- Selects elements that are nested within another element.
9. Child Selector
- Selects direct children of an element.
10. Adjacent Sibling Selector
- Selects an element that is immediately after another element.
11. General Sibling Selector
- Selects all siblings after a specified element.
12. Grouping Selector
- Selects multiple selectors, applying the same styles to all.
13. Combinators
Selector | Description |
E F | Selects all F elements inside E . |
E > F | Selects direct child F elements of E . |
E + F | Selects F immediately following E . |
E ~ F | Selects all F elements following E siblings. |
Summary Table of Common Selectors
Selector | Type | Example | Description |
* | Universal | * | Selects all elements. |
E | Type | p | Selects all <p> elements. |
.class | Class | .my-class | Selects all elements with the class my-class . |
#id | ID | #my-id | Selects the element with the ID my-id . |
[attr] | Attribute | [type="text"] | Selects elements with a specific attribute. |
E, F | Grouping | h1, h2, h3 | Selects multiple element types. |
E F | Descendant | div p | Selects all <p> elements within <div> . |
E > F | Child | ul > li | Selects direct child <li> elements in <ul> . |
E + F | Adjacent Sibling | h1 + p | Selects the <p> element directly after <h1> . |
E ~ F | General Sibling | h1 ~ p | Selects all <p> elements after <h1> . |
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